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BPS Library

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Infographic-Preparing for BPS Adoption

Published: 2024 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: BPS Considerations | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

This document is intended to serve as a resource for states, cities, and other jurisdictions who are considering adopting a building performance standard (BPS) and want to better understand what is feasible within the context of their jurisdiction. It provides information on key considerations for developing a BPS.

Considerations for Creating a Covered Buildings List for a Building Performance Standard (BPS) or Benchmarking Program - Quick Guide

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: BPS Considerations | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

Implementing a successful Building Performance Standard or benchmarking program requires accurate and comparable building data. The first step is to develop a “Covered Buildings List” (CBL), which consists of all the buildings covered by the BPS or benchmarking regulations developed by the jurisdiction, for example, all commercial buildings greater than 50,000 square feet. This document provides an overview of the process and key considerations for developing a CBL. It is intended for BPS or benchmarking policy administrators and implementers to help plan the process and level of effort needed to develop CBL. It does not provide detailed technical guidance on data processing.

SEED Platform for Building Performance Standards Implementation Guide

Published: 2024 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: Implementation Software & Tools | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

This guide provides an overview of the Standard Energy Efficiency Data (SEED) Platform™. The SEED Platform devel-oped by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to provide a low-cost, user-friendly tool for jurisdictions to launch and manage energy benchmarking and Building Performance Standard (BPS) programs. While some jurisdictions use SEED to manage their BPS end to end, others integrate additional software solutions to organize data and communicate with stakeholders.

Building Performance Standards and Energy Code Alignment - Technical Brief

Published: 2024 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Report | Focus: BPS/Energy Codes Alignment | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) are developing a series of technical briefs supporting national, state, and local initiatives to update and advance building energy codes. This technical brief presents recommendations for changes that may be incorporated into energy codes to facilitate future compliance with the building performance standard (BPS) policies that a newly constructed building has to meet once it is occupied. It provides background on the basis and benefits of the proposed changes and model code language that can be inserted into ASHRAE Standard 90.1 or adapted into other energy codes.

Implementing a Building Performance Standard (BPS): A Guide to Mitigating Risks in Your Jurisdiction

Published: 2023 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Document | Focus: Implementation Guidance | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

Building Performance Standards (BPS) are a rapidly growing tool used by jurisdictions across the United States to decarbonize buildings. In most places, buildings comprise the largest energy users. BPS reduce energy use and carbon emissions, with the added benefits of saving money, improving air quality, and creating jobs. However, because BPS policies can require significant investment in buildings, there is a risk of unintended consequences, imposing cost burdens on disadvantaged communities and exacerbating housing inequalities. This document introduces the key risks to consider when planning a BPS as well as mitigation strategies and case studies from jurisdictions around the country.

Affordable Housing and Building Performance Standards © ACEEE

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Document | Focus: BPS Considerations | Author Category: NGO

A growing number of state and local governments are adopting building performance standards (BPS) to help reduce buildings’ energy costs, reduce peak electricity demand, and support climate change mitigation. Building performance standards require buildings to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, or both to meet set targets. BPS hold the potential to either benefit the affordable housing sector and its residents or cause them unintended harms, depending on how the policies are designed and implemented. This report identifies strategies that local governments, community-based organizations, energy utilities, and other stakeholders can use to support affordable housing properties and their residents during the design and implementation of BPS policies. Download the report from the ACEEE site.

Building Performance Standards Introduction

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: Overview, Resource Library

Building Performance Standard (BPS) policies are an emerging policy mechanism designed to improve the energy efficiency of, and reduce the emissions from, existing buildings by requiring each covered building to meet an energy use or carbon emissions performance target by a specific deadline. The DOE and EPA are providing hands-on support to jurisdictions interested in developing and implementing a BPS or similar building intervention policy. This document provides background information on BPS, lists key resources and tools, and describes the types of support that are available.

Audit Template: A Tool for Streamlining Compliance in Building Performance Standards (BPS)

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: Data Collection & Analysis, Implementation Software & Tools | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

Standardizing and streamlining the audit documentation process can help Building Performance Standard (BPS) program managers achieve consistency in compliance and aid individual building managers to document and implement building efficiency improvements more effectively. This document describes how the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Audit Template tool can play a key role in managing BPS compliance over time by allowing standardized energy audit data collection, reporting, and management of multiple compliance cycles.

Implementation and Administration of Building Performance Standards Guide

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Document | Focus: Implementation Guidance, Stakeholder Engagement | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

As building performance standards (BPS) gain traction across the US, jurisdictions large and small are faced with the challenge of implementing and administering these new policies. This guide is specifically tailored for jurisdictions that are ready to dive into the details of how to structure, implement and administer a newly enacted BPS, along with best practices from jurisdictions that are on the forefront of BPS implementation efforts.

Aligning Building Performance Standards and Energy Codes

Published: 2023 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: BPS/Energy Codes Alignment, Overview | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

This document provides an overview of key considerations for aligning a building performance standard (BPS) and energy code. It is intended for BPS policymakers and implementers to understand questions such as: Why align BPS and energy code? How do code compliance paths affect future BPS compliance? What strategies can be used to ensure alignment between the two policies?

Considerations for Creating a Covered Buildings List for a Building Performance Standard (BPS) or Benchmarking Program

Published: 2023 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Fact sheet/Brief | Focus: Define Scope, BPS Considerations | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

This document provides an overview of the process and key considerations for developing a Covered Buildings List (CBL) for a Building Performance Standard (BPS). It is intended for BPS or benchmarking policy administrators and implementers to help plan the process and level of effort needed to develop a CBL. It does not provide detailed technical guidance on data processing.

Setting Carbon Goals and Tracking Progress

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Resource Page | Focus: Resource Library, Target Setting | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Better Buildings has put together a list of resources that can provide guidance on what to consider when setting a carbon-related goal and what data is needed to track it. The site offers several resources for target-setting, how to develop a greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) inventory, and how to track GHG data.

GHG policy impacts for Seattle’s buildings: targets, timing, and scope

Published: 2021 | Geographic Scope: Regional | Document Type: Case Study | Focus: Define Scope, Target Setting | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

As cities design legislation such as BPS or benchmarking, they must consider the timing of the policies, how to prioritize building types and sizes, and how these design decisions will impact the city’s emissions. This paper addresses these questions for one particular US city: Seattle, Washington. A model of Seattle’s building stock was created with benchmarking and tax assessor data. It was then used to predict GHG emissions reductions due to different policy implementations for existing commercial and multifamily buildings.

Energy Data: Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Guide

Published: 2016 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Report | Focus: Stakeholder Engagement

This DOE guide offers tips on framing the energy data access discussion, understanding major stakeholders, identifying key issues, determining the forum for stakeholder engagement, and describing key elements of the engagement process

Boston: Engaging Communities on Inclusive Building Policies

Published: 2021 | Geographic Scope: Regional | Document Type: Document | Focus: Stakeholder Engagement | Author Category: NGO

Summary of some of Boston's community engagement efforts related to inclusive building policies. 

Benchmarking and Building Performance Standards: A Resource Compendium

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Resource Page | Focus: Resource Library | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

List of resources to help navigate tools and procedures for tracking, reporting, and compliance with benchmarking and building performance standards.

Building Performance Standards

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Resource Page | Focus: Resource Library | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

This library gathers resources that provide information on the components of a BPS and the process for establishing this type of policy in a jurisdiction

Building Performance Standards (IMT)

Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Resource Page | Focus: Resource Library | Author Category: NGO

Series of BPS-related resources that provide information on building performance standards, including a fact sheet on how cities can benefit from these policies.


Geographic Scope: Regional | Document Type: Resource Page | Focus: Resource Library | Author Category: U.S. Jurisdiction

Website with information to help building owners, tenants, and contractors make healthy, climate resilient, and low-carbon building improvements.

Model Ordinance for a Building Performance Standard

Published: 2021 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Report | Focus: BPS Considerations | Author Category: NGO

This is a template for cities and states to develop building performance standards. It provides structural foundation that can be tailored to individual jurisdictions.


Published: 2018 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Document | Focus: BPS Considerations | Author Category: NGO

This document presents sample language that can be used by jurisdictions interested in drafting a comprehensive existing building performance policy that encompasses provisions for benchmarking, as well as additional actions beyond benchmarking. The model language, based on best practices that have been identified while working with many of the jurisdictions that have enacted successful policies, can be easily customized by policymakers to meet the unique needs of their city.

Building Performance Standards: Lessons from Carbon Policy

Published: 2020 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Report | Focus: Overview, BPS Considerations | Author Category: NGO

This document examines lessons from carbon policy and their applicability to building performance standards. Discusses policy in DC, NYC, and Tokyo. This report assesses the various tradeoffs and challenges of designing building performance standards (BPS) in order to facilitate compliance and promote cost-effectiveness.

Building Performance Standards: A Lifecycle Approach to Building Decarbonization

Published: 2022 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Report | Focus: Overview, BPS Considerations | Author Category: DOE and National Labs

Provides strategies for aligning new construction codes with BPS to facilitate a “lifecycle” approach to building performance and drive equitable decarbonization. Conclusions  include recommendations for core program components under an equitable BPS implementation model and how to connect a BPS to new construction codes, enabling both new and existing buildings of all covered types to consistently and predictably meet performance targets.

Building Performance Standards: Overview for State and Local Decision Makers

Published: 2021 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Report | Focus: Overview, BPS Considerations | Author Category: EPA

Provides an overview of building performance standards and offers information on key decision points to consider when designing a BPS.

Building Performance Standards Overview

Published: 2021 | Geographic Scope: National | Document Type: Document | Focus: Overview, BPS Considerations | Author Category: ASHRAE

Overview of the BPS development process, including considerations such as performance target-setting, implementation and enforcement timelines, equitable policy application, and compliance support.