Wood-Framed, 16" o.c. - wood frame walls of any stud depth, spaced 16" o.c. The category is intended primarily for lightweight walls but may also be used for walls with masonry veneers.
Wood-Framed, 24" o.c. - wood frame walls of any stud depth, spaced 24" o.c. The category is intended primarily for lightweight walls but may also be used for walls with masonry veneers.
Steel-Framed, 16" o.c. - steel frame stud walls of any gauge or depth, spaced 16" o.c. The category is intended primarily for lightweight walls but may also be used for walls with masonry veneers.
Steel-Framed, 24" o.c. - steel frame stud walls of any gauge or depth, spaced 24" o.c. The category is intended primarily for lightweight walls but may also be used for walls with masonry veneers.
Metal Building Wall - metal building walls whose structure consists of metal spanning members supported by steel structural members (i.e., does not include spandrel glass or metal panels in curtain wall systems) where wall insulation is draped across metal structural members and metal siding is attached directly to the structural members without rigid insulating spacers.
Solid Concrete - a wall construction category used with masonry, precast, and poured-in-place solid concrete, and solid concrete masonry units. There are ten wall thicknesses from which to choose.
Concrete Block - concrete masonry units
Solid Grouted - concrete masonry units with the cell completely filled with concrete.
Partially Grouted, Cells Empty - concrete masonry units with at least 50% of the cells free of grout or cells that are grouted no more than 32" o.c. vertically and 48" o.c. horizontally.
Partially Grouted, Cells Insulated - concrete masonry units with at least 50% of the cells free of grout or cells that are grouted no more than 32" o.c. vertically and 48" o.c. horizontally with integral insulation (e.g., perlite or rigid insulation inserts within the cells of the concrete block). WWR < 15% = all cores to be filled and at least 50% of cores must be filled with vermiculite or equivalent fill insulation. WWR > 15% but < 30% = all cores except bond beams must contain rigid insulation inserts approved for use in reinforced masonry walls.
Unreinforced, Cells Empty - concrete masonry units with no metal/steel reinforcing rod within the concrete block construction, concrete cells are at least 50% free of grout or cells that are grouted no more than 32" o.c. vertically and 48" o.c. horizontally.
Unreinforced, Cells Insulated - concrete masonry units with no metal/steel reinforcing rod within the concrete block construction with integral insulation (e.g., perlite or rigid insulation inserts within the cells of the concrete block).
Other - wall assemblies that do not fit in any of the other above-grade wall categories. You may also use the Other category if specific features of your wall give it a significantly lower U-factor than the corresponding generic wall type listed in the menu. See Assembly U-Factor under Exterior and Interior Wall Software Inputs. 2009/2012 IECC: When Other is selected, you must also select a Construction Detail: Wood Framed Wall, Steel Framed Wall, Metal Building Wall, or Mass Wall.